Dice Assembly Division
- Over 100 numbers of bonding / soldering machines
- 200 well and experienced worker in 3 groups for there different shifts
- 20 skilful QC persons for each group
Due to the lack of consistent international criteria for
brightness measurement, a direct comparison of brightness data
among different references is given. Because each of the LED Die
could have different value of forward voltage VF and luminous
intensity IV, two sorting operations are conducted in the
manufacturing process. The first one is conducted before the LED
dice are selected to be used for each production lot. In this
process, LED Dice are chosen in a macro extent to ensure that the
forward voltage and luminous intensity variations in such lots are
minimal. Consequently, the brightness variation for each device is
minimized to an extent which is not significant to the human-eyes'
visual effect. The second sorting is conducted after the LED
Devices are fully assembled. during this process, the brightness
of each device is measured and then sorted in a micro extent by
BIN grade.
